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Wymondham High Academy

School Governors


On behalf of the Governors of Wymondham High, welcome to our school.

Wymondham High Academy is part of the Enrich Learning Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).  The Enrich Learning Trust has overall accountability for the schools within the Trust, however much of the responsibility is delegated to the Local Governing Board (LGB). The role of our Local Governing Board is focused purely on Wymondham High, is strategic in its approach, and focuses on the following key areas:

  • Oversight of the Academy in terms of learning, standards, safety and wellbeing
  • Agreement with and monitoring of the Academy vision, policies and priorities
  • To hold Academy leadership to account 
  • To oversee and monitor the effectiveness of learning strategies
  • To carry out the Enrich Learning Trust’s vision, policies, and priorities
  • To support the Enrich Learning Trust board and its committees in relation to the proper use of funds and in delivering high quality educational provision

Further information on the Enrich Learning Trust can be found on their website.

Governance Information on Enrich Learning Trust website

The governors at Wymondham High are volunteers who give freely of their time to help our young people to be happy and successful people who accept responsibility, demonstrate determination, and leave our school well prepared for the next stage of their journey. The success and welfare of the students and the staff is what motivates and drives us. Below are a few key facts about the Local Governing Board and how we work:

  • We operate within a range of 7-9 governors. We are small enough to have focus and discipline, but large enough to have a broad range of key skills and experience. We have capacity to cover our obligations; and we are in line with guidelines from the Department for Education (DfE)
  • We meet at least once per half term. In addition to these regular meetings, each governor also has a specialist focus area. Governors spend focused time in the school to ensure that collectively we have both a broad and deep understanding of the school. We undertake self-assessments and representatives from our board meet with other groups of governors from other schools (both within and outside the Enrich Learning Trust). This enables us to share our experiences, and to learn best practices from elsewhere.
  • Governors are typically recruited based on skills and experience, serve a 4 year term of office, undertake regular training, and give their time freely for the benefit of the school.
  • Over the years, the Wymondham High Governing Board has taken important strategic decisions, such as the decision to convert to Academy status, and has supported the school through the periods of stress of the pandemic and continues to support the school as we continually seek and achieve improvements.
  • Our students consistently achieve outcomes well above local and National standards but, more importantly, they leave us ready for the next stage of their lives. This is achieved through the hard work, dedication, and professionalism of the staff who work with the students, parents, agencies and the community with the challenge, support and direction from the Governors.

The Governing Board is resolute in ensuring an outstanding and sustainable educational experience for existing and future students. We actively welcome the views of our community including students, parents and staff. The Chair of Governors can be contacted through the school office. Please note governors are unable to be involved in student specific matters and these should be directed to the school.

 Mrs Jacqueline M H Davies, Chair of Governors. 



Useful Documents: 

Governance Structure