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Wymondham High Academy


Behaviour and Wellbeing

Pastoral Team

At Wymondham High we are very proud of the behaviour of our pupils. We believe it is vitally important to ensure the pupils and students are treated consistently and that they understand the reasons for our school rules. As a community we have clear guidelines about what happens when a child makes the wrong choices. These are contained in the Behaviour Policy. We have a dedicated team whose role it is to ensure that behaviour is modified to allow pupils to engage in lessons and make excellent progress. The Pastoral Team do not have teaching commitments and can therefore dedicate all of their time towards addressing any issues that arise.


Year 7 - Mr Fromentin - [email protected] 
Year 8 - Mr Forbes - [email protected] 
Year 9 - Mrs Briggs - [email protected] 
Year 10 - Mrs Staff - [email protected] 
Year 11 & BC - Mrs Morris - [email protected] 

We take incidents of bullying very seriously and have a low number of recorded incidents of bullying across the Academy. However, we apply a consistent standard to ensure that pupils within our community do not adopt aggressive attitudes toward one another. Our values are instilled within our anti-bullying policy.

Exclusion Arrangements.

Whilst the standard of behaviour at Wymondham High is excellent, we very infrequently have to exclude a student for either a fixed-term [FTE] or under very rare circumstances permanently [PEX}. The circumstances surrounding an exclusion are outlined in the Academy's behaviour policy.

However, when we apply these very serious sanctions we fully comply with the Department for Education [DfE] guidelines on exclusions. The document below show how the process of exclusion works and the statutory framework around this, including the rights of parents to appeal a decision:

Please note a copy of all the school policies can be found on the policies page

Wellbeing Team


Wellbeing and Mental Health Support at Wymondham High School 

We are proud of the mental health support we offer at Wymondham High. We take a whole school approach and seek to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to learn about mental health and wellbeing during their time with us. This may come from tutor time activities, assemblies or PSHE lessons with a focus on developing understanding and strategies for safeguarding and encouraging positive mental health.

Our Wellbeing offer reflects our school values of determination, responsibility and humility:
Demonstrating determination – taking steps to support, protect and improve our well being can require commitment and determination.

Taking responsibility – many of the key strategies for improving wellbeing depend on our taking ownership of the elements of life that we can control
Acting with humility – it’s ok to not be ok but it can be hard at times to ask for help
We focus on prevention and education knowing the terrible effect mental health problems can have on individuals, families and communities.

Not only are mental health problems one of the main causes of the burden of disease worldwide, they also constitute the largest single source of world economic burden. Ensuring our pupils know how to keep themselves mentally healthy by developing their confidence and resilience in this area is critical.
Here are some of the things we do to promote wellbeing at Wymondham High:

  • We take a whole school approach. 
  • All students are encouraged to think about their mental wellbeing as well as their physical wellbeing.
  • Everyone has mental health – good or bad and often it is a mixture of both!


10 tips for parents & carers child mental health

10 tips for parents and carers mental health

What should you do if you are worried about a young person at Wymondham High?

  1.     Talk to them about how they are feeling 
  1.     Inform their tutor(s) in the first instance who can check in with them 
  1.     If the young person requires urgent support contact your GP or visit         https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/ for a one stop shop of potential Norfolk services and advice 

Please check the website for useful information for parents with information on apps, websites and services which support young people’s mental health. Please note that we are not recommending these groups/information and cannot be held responsible for the advice, work or input that they may give.  We are sharing them with you as you may find them useful if you decide to contact or use them. 

Best version of you booklet
Anxiety self-help workbook for teens
Self-help for Exam stress
After Someone Dies-for Young People.pdf

Asking for Help booklet.pdf


BEAT GP appt advice.pdf

 Factsheet-parents-v4 Parents self-harm guide.pdf


Starting the Conversation Booklet.pdf

Stem4-Early warning signs of eating disorders in school.pdf

Talking to your teenager about depression-v2.pdf

Talking to your teenager about eating disorders-v2.pdf

Talking to your teenager about self-harm-v2.pdf

Summer Safety Booklet_2.pdf

Support - self-help guide children-Young people mental health-1.pdf

Supporting your wellbeing booklet.pdf



Useful Documents: 
Norfolk Young Carers Needs Assessment Enquiry

Support for Young Carers in Norfolk

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