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Wymondham High Academy

Year 11 Prefects 

 2024 / 2025


We value prefects greatly and love seeing pupils stepping up to take responsibility here at Wymondham High. There is no limit on the number of prefects we have each year as we want as many pupils as possible to have the opportunity to support their community and other pupils.

A prefect's primary role is to set a good example to everyone in our community by being kind, behaving responsibly, wearing school uniform correctly (including hair, make-up and piercings) and interacting politely with all other students and all adults. Prefects are a role model in our community.

They will have certain roles they are expected to undertake. For example:
• A minimum of one and a maximum of two lunch time duties each week;
• Monitor behaviour on school transport; to help resolve problems and report problems if necessary;
• Support younger and more vulnerable students;
• Assist running events after school, e.g. open evenings, presentation evenings, clubs etc;
• Support the smooth running of school and the safe feeling of school by supporting the good behaviour of all members of the community;
• Set a good example in school and on the way to and from school.

Requirements: Everyone is welcome to apply but the expectation is that successful prefects will have minimal behaviour events throughout their time in Year 10. Their attendance will be above 95% (aside from medical concerns and reasons). Prefects will always be smartly dressed, following all uniform rules.

Rights: Prefects on a lunch duty will have the right to go straight to the front of the queue (ensure staff know you are on duty). Once six meaningful duties have been served by prefects they will earn the right to leave site for a lunch time. (Express written parental permission will be required.)

Head Prefect - Florrie Adams
Head Prefect - George Fitchett
Deputy Head Prefect - Arlo Szymanska
Deputy Head Prefect - Caleb Foster-Nyarko

 Student Leadership

We know the need for excellent, skilled and well differentiated leaders that exists in not only our local community but also our global community. The relative success or failure of a group, team or community often hinges on it's leadership and as such we want to develop as many brilliant leaders from our student body as possible.

We know that this is a metric not measurable or one that will appear on league tables. However, it is too important and as such we endeavour to give all pupils the opportunities to grow in leadership confidence and learn leadership skills.

In Year 7 we offer the opportunity to become a Tour Guide. An extensive training programme prepares pupils to confidently tour guests and visitors around our school. Pupils continue with this role throughout their time at school.

In Year 9 we are looking to introduce a new role - Everyone's listening Friend (ELFs). The ELF team will be a group of peer support students who are selected and trained to listen. The role of the ELF is to support, listen and encourage positive relationships and social interactions within school. Mrs Taylor is looking forward to pioneering this group.

In Year 10 we will develop a group of pupils committed to tackling bullying. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will develop and implement a strategy that will support victims of bullying and support fall outs in friendships.

In Year 11 our prefect team support the smooth running of the school through performing a variety of regular duties and helping at a variety of school events. Prefects need to be polite, smartly dressed and well behaved. As such, the vast majority of our pupils have the opportunity to become one.