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Wymondham High Academy

Professional Conduct

Learning Ethos

Sixth Form is the keystone between celebrating GCSE success and driving forward to aspirations for the future through outstanding teaching, learning and opportunities for all. Our Sixth Form students are happy and successful individuals who accept responsibility, demonstrate determination and resilience and act with humility in every aspect of Sixth Form life. Our staff are experts in their subject areas. They support and guide students through their sixth form journey. Students take ownership of their progress throughout their Sixth Form journey by being proactive, reflective and determined learners. They will leave our Sixth Form with excellent academic qualifications and with the skills and knowledge to lead successful lives. 

At Wymondham sixth form we are very proud of the learning ethos and behaviour of our pupils. We believe it is vitally important to ensure the students are treated consistently and that they understand the reasons for our rules. As a community we have clear guidelines about what happens when a young person makes the wrong choices.

We take incidents of bullying and breaches of the learning ethos very seriously. 
Any behavioural issues are dealt with by the Head of Year. 


Click here to view our Learning Ethos agreement

Dress Code

1. All students: wear a jacket at all times (weather permitting and at judgement of Sixth Form Team)

2. Students decide to wear either:
✓ Trousers – full length, dark colours, not too tight or baggy. Subtle patterning is acceptable.
✓ Skirt – dark, appropriate length (≥ 3inches above the knee).
X Avoid stretchy skirts, maxi skirts, mini-skirts, or skirts with slits up the side. Subtle patterning is acceptable.
✓ Tailored shift dress – dark colours. Subtle patterning is acceptable.
X AVOID: Culottes, skorts, shorts, denim, combat trousers or cords.

3. Students decide to wear either:
✓ Shirt and tie (buttoned up to the collar; tucked in).
✓ A fitted blouse or smart top. AVOID Strappy/strapless tops, casual T-shirts, polo-shirts or polo-necks. Jumpers may be worn under (but not instead of) jackets – must be plain, thin-knitted material. X AVOID casual sweatshirts and hoodies.

4. Students decide to wear either:
✓ Smart ‘leather look’ black or brown shoes.
✓ Black, brown or navy ankle boots.  AVOID: trainers, canvas shoes, very high heels, and backless shoes.

5. Accessories – subtle and smart
✓ Discreet make-up and jewellery.
✓ Piercings – only one piercing in each earlobe. Use retainers for all other piercings. ✓ Hair colour should be a natural shade.
✓ Facial hair should be kept neat.  AVOID: visible body art; extremes of hair colour or shaved pattern