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Wymondham High Academy

A Level Art - Fine Art, Art Textiles and Art Multimedia.

The Art Department provides a range of courses which encourages students to develop their own sense of artistic identity by providing students with the practical skills and research methods they need to be very successful at A Level.

Course Information

Fine Art
The popular Fine Art course has been designed to encourage a broad and creative contemporary approach which allows students to think and reflect critically, build on personal strengths but also develop a solid but rewarding grounding in Fine Art.
Click here to find out more

Art Textiles
This exciting and innovative ‘hands on’ course involves the creative use of Art Textiles with strong links to historical and contemporary printmakers and Fashion Designers.
Click here to find out more

Art Multimedia
This hugely popular and unique digital course under the Art specification embraces a range of communication media such as digital photography (including Photoshop manipulation), digital illustration, 2D and 3D animation, 3D modelling, film making and website design.
Click here to find out more

Extra Curricular / Visits - Art

Residential trip abroad - Paris or Berlin
Curwen Print Study Centre, Cambridge
London Galleries - RA Summer Exhibition, The National Gallery & National Portrait Gallery
Life drawing in the Art Department
Norwich University of the Arts Degree Show
Careers Talk by Norwich University of the Arts Outreach Officer in the Art Department 

Further and Higher Education

Many students have left the Art Department at Wymondham High Academy and progressed to further and higher education in art related subjects at prestigious art institutions such as Central St. Martins (UAL) and UCL for Architecture. Students have also progressed to degree courses at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Wimbledon, Bournemouth College of Art, Leeds College of Art, Loughborough College of Art, Falmouth College of Art and more locally, Norwich University of the Arts, to name but a few.

Over the 2 years at A Level, students generate a large and substantial body of quality work which will support a portfolio of work in preparation for face to face and remote interviews for foundation courses, BA (Hons) and future MA courses in art related subjects at Art Colleges across the country.

Creative Industries  What Next? The Arts PathNorwich University of the Arts


Key Stage 5 students receive between three and four hours’ homework each week (variable depending on the task and matched to the number of lessons they have.)