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Wymondham High Academy

Performing Arts - Music

At Wymondham High Academy, we believe that music is a demanding academic discipline, developed through exciting practical work and as such, our overwhelming focus during music lessons at Wymondham High is on musicking – that is, making music. Music is a deeply rewarding subject to study; a unique form of communication that can change the way people feel, think and act. Music forms part of an individual’s identity and brings together intellect, feeling and enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. An integral part of culture, past and present; music helps us understand ourselves, relate to others and develop a sense of cultural awareness.

Our core curriculum begins with a ‘class band’ project, whereby we begin by exploring contemporary popular music that the children are familiar with from outside school. Practically workshopping this music as whole class builds confidence, familiarity and engagement amongst the pupils and allows staff to establish the pedagogical approaches that will be utilised throughout the year ahead. We make no excuses for seeking to expose students to the best that has been thought, composed and performed within the artform and as such, our core curriculum is built around the study of 14 ‘focus pieces’, each of which sits within a thematic module (3x per year) Students will practically explore these works, performing them, improvising around them, composing in the style of them and using them as a springboard to explore wider context and unfamiliar listening. These focus pieces are drawn from a mixture of western classical, world and popular genres along with music composed for film and video game soundtracks. 

Y7 to Y11 Curriculum Map.pdf

WHA Music Development Plan.pdf

