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Wymondham High Academy


Safeguarding In School 

Safeguarding the wellbeing of our children is paramount. 

Our policy, and other safeguarding documents can be found below.

Safeguarding Policy 2024
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024.pdf

Information For Parents 

Safeguarding Outside School - Signposting support 


We have very clear procedures and systems in place to identify and act if we suspect a child is in danger.

We have a number of safeguarding trained professionals in the Academy, but our named designated safeguarding leads are:

Safeguarding Staff Update

Wymondham High are taking part in a jointly run operation between Norfolk County Council and Norfolk Police called Operation Encompass.  Encompass has been set up to help schools provide support to children who have been present at incidents of domestic violence.  We know that children can be significantly physically or emotionally harmed when they are involved in, or witness to, domestic violence. 

For more information on Operation Encompass, please click here:  operation encompass

Letter to parents with details of Operation Encompass

Safeguarding Social Media Parent Update: 2024

Safeguarding Organisations Outside Of School 


Norfolk CC 

If you are concerned about a child in Norfolk and want to speak to someone, contact Norfolk County Council, Children’s Services on 0344 800 8020.  If you consider the child to be in immediate danger, call 999.



If you’re worried that a child is being bullied online, or want to discuss your concern you can call the NSPCC helpline for parents and professionals at any time on 0808 800 5000, or visit their website by clicking the logo above. 


If you are concerned that a young person is being sexually abused or groomed online, you can report to CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection). This might be from someone they know or someone they have only ever met online. CEOP are there to help and advise you and to make sure the child concerned is safe. Their link is above. 

The Harmful Sexual Behaviour Toolkit 

 The Harmful Sexual Behaviour Toolkit developed by the Lucy Faithfull Foundation in 2020 with funding from the Home Office is designed for parents, carers, family members and professionals, to help everyone play their part in keeping children safe. It has links to useful information, resources, and support as well as practical tips to prevent harmful sexual behaviour and provide safe environments for families.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Toolkit 

Online Safety Advice

top 10 tips      family internet agreement


share aware







