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Wymondham High Academy

Careers - Information For Parents

Wymondham Academy wants your child to have a successful and rewarding future.We would like to work closely with you as well in order to achieve this. Please see useful links for parents and carers below which will provide you will relevant information.

Careers Entitlement

Careers - Provider Access (including careers programme)

Help You Choose is for 13-19 year olds (up to 25 if you have learning difficulties and disabilities) in Norfolk. On our website you can find information on courses, jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities and if you're in Year 11 or 12 you can apply for sixth form or college online. The link below will show you/your child how to register with Help You Choose. 

Help You Choose 

Choices December Magazine Issue

december 2024 choices.pdf

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area, regional area and nationally. It helps you to understand the following, particularly as you begin to consider future career pathways. 

  • What skills and qualifications you need for specific jobs?

  • How much money you can earn in a particular job?

  • Which job sectors are growing?

  • Which jobs meet more people.

  • What Jobs are in short demand.

  • What jobs have a higher percentage of men or women?

  • Routes taken to qualify for certain careers.


Useful Links for Parents/Carers:

Parental Guidance


Help you choose

Career pilot

Success at school

T Levels

amazing apprenticeships


youth employment uk


total people

Career Pilot parentzone