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Wymondham High Academy

Philosophy, Ethics & Religious Thought

Course Information

IF YOU WANT TO BE CHALLENGED to look at the world from new and exciting perspectives... To pit your wits against philosophical and ethical arguments which have their origins in ancient Greek philosophy... Consider and debate some of the most pressing questions mankind faces... If you do, study Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought!

This course is an objective and academic study of philosophical, ethical and theological questions, and the secular and religious responses to those issues. The nature and content of this course means that it combines well both with the Humanities subjects such as Sociology, Geography, History and English as well as with Science subjects such as Biology and Physics. The course is suitable for students of any religious background or none.

Candidates who wish to follow this course should have an interest in finding out about the world in which they live and in understanding people. They need a willingness to consider, analyse and reflect on issues of human concern. The ability to communicate ideas both orally and in writing and to be able to offer and sustain a critical line of argument is also important.

What to expect in lessons 





Yr 12 lesson recapping their knowledge of Plato's analogy of the cave...out of playdoh!  

Bit of light relief as we experimented with different ways of revising in Y13 RPE today. Key terms stuck on their foreheads. I sat back and watched as they asked "Am I God?" "Am I evil?" and the pure joy of "Oh, I'm the categorical imperative aren't I!" 


Y12 business ethics class learnt about the ethics of Body Shop 
today. B Corp, sustainable sourcing charter, plastics for change and much much more. We now all smell delicious.


Phillipa Foot’s Trolley Problem. Study A level R.P.E to find out more. 

The department’s Philosotree. You can write your philosophical questions on it’s leaves and other students can try to answer them for you. 



R.P.E Staff and 6th former playing an Ethics game. 






Extra Curricular / Visits - Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought

Some of our Y13 students when we took them to revise with the lady who wrote the text book! 











Cambridge here we are... A level students take over Fitzwilliam for an R.P.E theology day! 


Career opportunities

Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought is accepted as a good academic qualification when applying for courses in higher education. The study requires a great deal of philosophical thought which is an excellent preparation for many university courses. It is a useful discipline for anyone who wishes to work closely with people in careers such as medicine, social work or teaching. The philosophical and ethical nature of this course means that it is popular with anyone considering legal work, journalism, broadcasting, the police or the armed forces.


Quotes from current 6th form R.P.E students 

“I didn’t do Religious Studies at GCSE, but I would have done if I’d realised how much I would later enjoy it and how welcoming and supportive the teachers would be.” 

“I believe that it’s our responsibility as a society to educate ourselves on other people’s cultures and customs, so that we can be inclusive and understanding.” 

“ Religion is a huge part of many people’s lives, so it’s vital that we are knowledgeable and respectful about it. Living here, many of us have not been exposed to much diversity, so a lot of us may lack knowledge about religions outside of Christianity.” 

“Studying RE at GCSE is a great way to gain an understanding of the wider world and become more open-minded, which is why I believe students should be encouraged to take it” 

“The A-Level, RPE [has] made me more open-minded by pushing me to view things from other perspectives, it has also greatly improved my confidence, via engaging in class debates and sharing my opinions on the issues we study. My teachers always make sure that every idea presented is listened to and valued.” 

“I decided to pursue RPE as an a-level subject as I took the subject at GCSE and really loved it. My favourite topic in the A-level course so far has been the euthanasia application topic as it allowed for a lot of discussion surrounding the different sides of the debate.”  

“Personally, I think people should study RPE because it encourages you to question everything, which may change the way you think about the world, and it gives you an opportunity to discuss a range of interesting topics and draw your own conclusions.” 

Entry requirements

There is no requirement to have studied Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Thought at GCSE in order to take this course.