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Wymondham High Academy

A Level Classical Civilisation

Course Information

Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation is a rich, diverse and exciting course. It is, in essence, the study of the Ancient World, namely the Greeks and the Romans. The legacy of these two great cultures underpins and has inspired a vast array of the world around us today. Its influence has directly developed such diverse topics as art and archaeology, literature and law, drama and democracy, philosophy and politics and of course the study of history itself. The course mirrors this diversity and offers a unique opportunity for students to study all of these topics within one subject. It represents a perfect complement for students planning to study English Literature, Art, Drama, Politics, History and/or Philosophy and Ethics.

Career opportunities

It is outstanding for university entry and all academic advancement. The broad base of written and analytical skills required to succeed are recognised and highly regarded by future employers and therefore open the door to most professional careers. It is also a ‘favoured’ A-level for students applying to the more academic universities, notably Oxford and Cambridge.

Entry requirements

Grade 6 in English Literature and/or History. No knowledge of Latin or Greek is required to study the course.


Longterm Curriculum Learning Plan - Classical Civilisation