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Wymondham High Academy

Exam Results

Wymondham High has a tradition of producing strong academic results. It is what our children deserve and what our community expects of us.

Below is a summary of our key successes for summer 2023:

  • We were graded an ALPS 3 for our overall A Level results. This is described by ALPS as “Outstanding" and we are within the top 20% of Sixth Forms nationally.
  • At A Level, 27% of our entries achieved a grade A* or A.
  • At A level, 81% of our entries achieved grades of A*-C.
  • We were the 3rd highest achieving school in Norfolk based on GCSE progress scores for all students.
  • Our GCSE progress was classed as ‘above national average’ for 2023
  • Our Progress score was 0.45 (almost half a grade higher than expected) across Year 11. (England's average was -0.03 and Norfolk's average -0.01).
  • Our Attainment score placed us 6th in Norfolk. Our Attainment 8 Score was 52.1 (England's average 46.2)
  • 55% of our GCSE students achieved a combined English and Maths score of Grade 5+ (England’s average 45%)
  • 94% of our Year 11 students were entered for the EBacc at GCSE (England's average 39%)
  • 97% of our students are staying in education or work with training after Year 11. (England's average 94%)
  • Our Progress score for GCSE English was 0.18 (England's average -0.04)
  • Our Progress score for GCSE Maths was 0.55 (England's average -0.02)
  • Our Progress score for EBacc slots at GCSE was 0.46 (England's average -0.03)
  • Our Progress score for the Open subject slots at GCSE was 0.51 (England's average -0.04)

We know these are just statistics but the results are so important and personal to our students as they will unlock doors and opportunities for their future and we are proud of each and everyone of them.

These results reflect the tremendous diligence of our young people, their scholarship and tenacity. They will open up extraordinary opportunities for our students which allow them to make ambitious choices and to flourish in a future of their own making.

For a full breakdown of results, the link below takes you to the Department for Education [DfE] Performance tables. These will enable you to view our results, but also compare us with other providers:
