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Wymondham High Academy

School Attendance

Attending school matters to your child’s future!

It enables them to:

  • - Earn an education and work towards their life goals
  • - Earn qualifications ready for their next step
  • - Find out more about the world
  • - Have fun making and doing things
  • - Learn skills for life and social skills
  • - Enjoy time with their friends

How to help your child have good attendance:

It is important that you believe school really matters and that you care about your child’s education. We’re all in this together.

Please encourage your child to have a good morning and evening routine – arriving to school daily, on time and ready to learn are vital skills and part of your legal duty – every child has the right to a full-time education.

Every school day counts!

There are 175 non-school days a year – that’s plenty of time to go on visits, holidays, shopping or other appointments. If you need to request an absent from school during term time – please download a Leave of Absent Request form from the Wymondham High website and return it to the Attendance Team – only exceptional circumstances may be authorised.

Lateness / Registers:

The school day begins at 08:35am - if a student arrives late to school before 9:00am they will be issued with a 30 minute same-day detention.

If a student arrives after 9:00am and the Period 1 register has been closed, they will be issued with a 1 hour same-day detention.

Reporting your child’s absence:

You must report your child’s absence by 9:00am by calling the school on
t:01953 602078 and leaving a voicemail on the Attendance Absence line or sending an email to the attendance team at [email protected]

If your child is not recorded as present on their Period 1 register - and we have not been informed of a reason why your child will not be in school - you will receive an automatic notification. This will be via text message advising the absence will be marked as unauthorised. 

Safe and well checks:

If a student is absent from school for 10 consecutive days without medical evidence a ‘safe and well’ safeguarding check will take place as an unannounced home visit.

Let’s Celebrate Attendance!

At Wymondham High we like to celebrate good attendance!

Each term your child could be awarded with an Attendance Certificate and work towards their Attendance Bronze, Silver, Gold or Commendation end of year Award!

Weekly, we celebrate the Top Attending Form with a form certificate and a trophy.

At the end of the academic year within the celebration assemblies top attending students and those recommended for a Commendation Award will receive a certificate, token gift and celebration surprises!

Your Wymondham High Academy – Attendance Team

  •  Mrs Napleton – Attendance and Welfare Officer
  •  Miss Riseborough – Attendance Administrator
  •  Mrs Roberts – Attendance Administrator

If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, please complete an Attendance Support Request form on the Wymondham High website and a member of the Attendance Team will be in touch.

Work with us! Working with the teachers and wider support teams within the school, the Attendance Team can support with:

  •  Attendance Support Meeting
  •  Early Help interventions
  •  Support for long term medical absences
  •  Support referral to Just One Norfolk
  •  Signpost to external support groups and charities
  •  Support returning to school after an operation/medical procedure

Please note – Wymondham High Academy do not offer:

  •  Flexi-school / part time schooling
  •  Regular collection of your child to bring them into school
  •  Medical or mental health diagnosis – please always seek support from a trained medical professional.

It is important that you believe school really matters and that you care about your child’s education. We’re all in this together.

Information on Parentmail can be found here: Parentmail 
Wymondham High Academy Attendance Policy can be found here: Policies
If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, please complete an Attendance Support Request form 
If you wish to apply for a student absence in advance, please print and complete this form: 
Leave of Absence Request