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Wymondham High Academy

A Level Spanish

Course Information

There is a direct and insistent rhythm in spoken Spanish which is irresistible and speaks of a resilient people with a rich cultural history. Latin is the main base of modern Castilian Spanish with many Greek and Arabic words in the mix too. Thanks to the conquistadors and their thirst for gold, Spanish was introduced to South America where it is the dominant language alongside Portuguese.

The A-level Spanish course allows you to engage with current social issues in Hispanic society, as well as artistic culture, film and literature and aspects of political life in the Hispanic world. The programme of study will provide opportunities for independent research and access to a wide range of authentic sources across a variety of media. By the end of this two-year course, you will be able to speak quite fluently in a foreign language, an invaluable skill to employers.

Career opportunities

The British Council has recently rated Spanish as the most important language for Britons to learn in their ‘Languages of the Future’ report. A recent survey, conducted by the CBI in conjunction with Pearson Education, found that 62% of employers felt school leavers lacked sufficient language skills. This makes A-level linguists valuable commodities in a competitive employment market, when you consider that 75% of the world population speak no English at all.

Entry requirements

A minimum of a 6 in GCSE Spanish