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Wymondham High Academy

Assemblies and Collective Worship

As a school community it is vital to us to ensure that we promote and instil our values of determination, responsibility and humility. One of the ways in which we do this is through time spent together as year groups. 

This time allows us to reflect not only on our values, but to share important and contemporary issues; issues that will impact on us now as well as when pupils leave our school. Equally, assembly themes allow the children to contemplate historical issues which impact on our society today. 

The topics have been carefully selected to cover a range of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural influences that reflect our complex and rapidly changing world. These themes are planned to ensure that we develop and strengthen the cultural capital of our children, exposing them to sometimes controversial and cutting-edge topics. We are careful to ensure that materials are age-appropriate and that we involve our students in assembly activities; sharing their perspective and views is a powerful vehicle for student-led change.

Assemblies Programme

All assembly PowerPoints will be shared on this page for your information, and to enable to you to discuss issues as a family.

Remembrance Sunday
Autumn Assembly Music
Anti Bullying Week 
Entitlement and Empathy
Pride Week