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Wymondham High Academy

Business Studies

Business Studies is a diverse, interesting and challenging course.  It is completely relevant to the world in which we live today, providing students with practical learning experiences which they will carry on into life. They learn how to use relevant terms, theories and methods effectively to understand business and economic behaviour.  Within the Business Studies department we aim for our students to develop as determined learners and encourage them to use an investigative and evaluating approach to distinguish facts from opinions, develop arguments and make informed judgements. Business Studies also makes a positive contribution to developing young people as individuals and participants in society and the economy.

Topics that are covered within the course include: 

  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship 
  • Spotting a business opportunity 
  • Putting a business idea into practice 
  • Making a business effective 
  • Understanding external influences on a business 
  • Growing a business 
  • Making marketing decisions 
  • Making financial decisions 
  • Making human resource decisions. 

    Longterm Curriculum Plan - Business Studies