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Wymondham High Academy

Careers - Information for Students

Wymondham Academy wants you to have a successful future!  Please see how we plan to achieve this by having a look at your Career Entitlement and Careers Programme planned.

Careers Entitlement

Careers - Provier Access (includes career programme)

Help You Choose is for 13-19 year olds (up to 25 if you have learning difficulties and disabilities) in Norfolk. On our website you can find information on courses, jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities and if you're in Year 11 or 12 you can apply for sixth form or college online.

Help You Choose 

Options 14, 16 and 18

Careers pilot logo

 icould logo

Help you choose

T Levels logo

Considering an Apprenticeship?

Amazing apprentiships logo


Prospects Logo

Careers in Health Care

NHS Logo

Medic Mentor logo

Careers in the Forces:

Royal Navy logo

British Army



Careers in Science

Space Careers

Target Careers

Other Useful Links:


I can be a

 Please complete the form below to book an appointment with the school careers advisor. 

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