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Wymondham High Academy

SEND and Equality

There is substantial statutory guidance for schools relating to pupils who have Special Educational Needs or Disability [SEND] that must be published on an annual basis [and updated throughout the year if required].

As part of this obligation on schools, we are also required to publish an accessibility document [there is some overlap between these documents].

The documents on this page include: SEND Information Report, SEND Code of Practice & SEND Regulations 2014 & Equality Document.

For further guidance, please contact:
[email protected]

SEND Information Report July 2023

Wymondham High Academy SEND school offer 2023

SEND code of practice

Single Equality Scheme

Accessibility Plan - Awaiting content

Access Arrangements Policy 2023 -2024

SEND Policy 2023 -2024

Able, Gifted and Talented Students