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Wymondham High Academy

Able, Gifted and Talented Students

At Wymondham High Academy we recognise that students should be educated in a way that enables them to learn, enjoy and achieve at the highest levels, in accordance with their abilities and interests. The Academy places students at the heart of the learning process to provide a safe and secure learning environment. Challenging learning opportunities enabling all students to realise their full potential are integral to students' success and the Academy aims to nurture, develop, and stretch pupils' talents and interests via an innovative curriculum, bespoke enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities for students. as well as regular liaison between students, the school, and the wider community. 


Opportunities for students to flourish have included: entering the prestigious English Speaking Union public speaking competition; in-house and inter-school debating (online and in person); attending conferences; and participating in workshops and talks on a range of themes with professionals within specific fields.

Gifted, Able and Talents Students - Policy