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Wymondham High Academy

A Level Drama & Theatre Studies

Course Information

Drama & Theatre Studies

An enjoyment of, and an interest in, Drama and Theatre, both as a participant and as a member of an audience, is essential for success at A-level. You will extend your skills, knowledge and understanding, encouraging life-long learning and providing access to related careers. You will also be encouraged to appreciate the significance of social, cultural and historical influences on theatre practice both past and present.

Career opportunities

Undergraduate courses in Drama and Theatre Studies lead to careers in producing, management, journalism, directing, performing, scriptwriting, event management, administration, education, community arts and law.

Entry requirements

• GCSE Drama, Grade 5 or above. (BTEC Performing Arts accepted in place of GCSE Drama)

• The expectation that learners will proactively engage in viewing live professional theatre outside of the classroom.


Longterm Curriculum Plan - Drama