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Wymondham High Academy

A Level Physical Education

Course Information

The course offers the students the opportunity to explore a multidisciplinary approach to Sport and Physical Education.

Students will study a variety of theoretical aspects which, when combined with their practical ability as a performer or a coach, will allow them to analyse and improve their own skills or those of others. The theoretical content allows students to gain knowledge of anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition, sports psychology, sport technology and historical, social and cultural factors which affect participation. The focus of the course allows students to gain a real appreciation for the many factors which influence Sport and PE and will enable them to become critical performers and gain an interest and insight into sport to take into the future.  

The course AQA Physical Education

Paper 1: Factors affecting participation (35%) Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Skill Acquisition, Sport and Society 2 hour written examination.  

Paper 2: Factors affecting optimal performance (35%) Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Sport and Society and Technology in Sport 2 hour written examination.  

Paper 3: Practical Performance (30%) Performance or coaching in one sport including analysis and evaluation of your performance in your chosen sport. Internal practical assessment with external moderation.  

Career opportunities

This course can lead into a wide range of career pathways. Students have followed their interest in sport by choosing university courses such as Sports Studies, Sports Science, Coaching, Teaching, Physiotherapy and Equine Science. Some have moved straight into jobs in the leisure and recreation industry or into the public services. After Sixth Form Students will have become increasingly physically competent by developing skills and techniques they need to perform effectively. They will be able to apply their skills in different roles and contexts within physical activity by developing their knowledge and understanding of factors that enable them and others to be physically active as part of a lifelong, balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

Entry requirements 

It is beneficial if students have gained the foundation knowledge and skills for this course through GCSE PE although this is not essential. Where a student has taken GCSE PE, they should have gained a grade 6 in the subject. If not, a similar grade in Science would be accepted.  

The course is suited to students with a high performance level in a sport or who have the knowledge, understanding and confidence in sport to transfer this to coaching. Students should be taking part in community sport outside of school. Practical assessment is through fully competitive situations. Specification A-Level Physical Education AQA 7582.