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Wymondham High Academy

Contact Us

Wymondham High Academy
Folly Road
NR18 0QT

T: 01953 602078   E: [email protected]  

Headteacher: Mr Chris Smith [email protected] 

Chair of Governors: Mrs J Davies [email protected] 

Premises Manager (Public Enquiries): Mr P Essam [email protected] 

 - In the event of an Emergency: 

  • Out of Hours (8pm - 6:30am, Weekends and Bank Holidays) Dardan Security 0800 389 9517
  • School Hours (6:30am - 8pm, Monday - Friday with the exception of the week between Christmas and New Year) Premises Team 07891 820704
We want to hear about our pupils successes outside of school!
If a pupil you know has done something worthy of recognition, please fill this form in and then keep an eye out around school, in the school paper and the newsletter for their achievement to be recognised! 
[Examples might include - achieving a grade in music or drama; achieving sporting success with a club or team; raising money for charity.]
Nominations will be reviewed by school staff before being published. Please ensure you let them know about the nomination. Student Recognition Form


Who to contact

Contact Details

Reception - Main School 
General enquiries, to request appointments with staff, raise a general concern, requests for signposting or to bring in forgotten packed lunches etc


Mrs Laker-Jones 
01953 602078 [email protected] 

Reception - Sixth Form 
General enquiries, to request appointments with staff, raise a general concern etc

01953 173125

[email protected] 

Deputy Headteacher

Standards: Behaviour & Safeguarding

Mr J Edwards  [email protected]  

Deputy Headteacher 
Quality of Education

Mrs C Preston  [email protected]

Assistant Headteacher
Director of KS3 & Attendance

Mrs C Taylor  [email protected] 

Assistant Headteacher 
Director of KS4 & Belonging

Mr E Clarke  [email protected] 

Assistant Headteacher 
Director of KS5 & Futures

Ms A Masson  [email protected] 

Assistant Headteacher

Director of Student Interventions & Staff Development


Ms L Sacre [email protected]

Child Protection, Safeguarding Officers, 
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Desingated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
For Child Protection and Safeguarding issues


Mrs L Ames [email protected]

Mr J Edwards [email protected] 



Attendance Manager

Attendance Administrators
For school and lesson attendance issues

Mrs L Harris [email protected]                     

Mrs L Roberts

[email protected] 

Wellbeing Officers
For student wellbeing and mental health issues


[email protected]
Miss N Albery [email protected] 
Mrs H Forbes [email protected]



Form Tutor or subject specific issues
For general issues and anything you feel we should be aware of to help support your child


Using your child’s timetable on Bromcom to find the staff name, the standard email format is last name followed by first name [email protected]
example: Mr A Teacher would be [email protected] 


Data Manager
Enquiries about Bromcom, contact details or ParentMail

Mrs D Marsh  [email protected] 

Exams Officer

Mrs C Cracknell  [email protected] 

Finance Team

[email protected]

Admissions and Transitions
In-year admissions and year 6 to year 7 transition

Mrs C Taylor [email protected]

PA to the Head Teacher

Mrs C Stimpson  [email protected] 


Cover Manager 

Mrs H Oakshott  [email protected] 

HR Administrator

Mrs A Johnson  [email protected] 

First Aid Officers

S Thomas  [email protected] 

Wymondham high is part of the 
Enrich Learning Trust

Mr Russell Boulton, CEO

1 Norwich Business Park
Whiting Road

01953 859910
[email protected]  


