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Wymondham High Academy

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant supports disadvantaged students in order to diminish the difference in attainment between them and their peers. It is intended to offer appropriate support in order to address current underlying inequalities between students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), either now or in the past six years (Ever 6FSM) and children looked after by the state.

We believe the PPG should enhance the life chances of pupils, including moving on to appropriate providers post-16/18, having excellent attendance and being confident and responsible young people.

The impact of our Pupil Premium spend (in terms of academic achievement and wider school achievement) is monitored by the Governors Pupil Premium Committee, the meetings of which are held every half term. Our named Governor for Pupil Premium is Mrs Jacky Davies and the Senior Leadership lead is Mr James Dunne (Assistant Principal). This committee is responsible for holding to account the Senior Leadership Team of the school for its expenditure on individual children. The documents below will provide useful information for parents in understanding how the school manages the Pupil Premium budget.

If you have any questions relating to Pupil Premium, these can be sent directly to the team via email Email Pupil Premiumor by completing the following form Pupil Premium Contact Form

Useful Documents: 

 Our Pupil Premium Tiered Model 

Our Strategy Statement 2024 - 2025

 Our Governors Training - Pupil Premium 

Effective ways to support disadvantaged students 

Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged students. 

Free School Meals Application Form 

Enrich Learning Trust Pupil Premium Vision and Values

Pupil Premium Guidance 

Pupil Premium Update For Staff