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Wymondham High Academy


The mathematics curriculum at Wymondham High promotes reasoning and problem solving  leading to mastery and logical thinking.  Our curriculum aims to develop well rounded  determined and responsible young people, valued in industry and higher education. 


We have a phased curriculum based on the National Curriculum, where every student follows the same journey at a speed most appropriate to them. By the end of Phase 1 students will be ready to start the GCSE mathematics course.  By the end of Phase 2 they will have completed the Foundation GCSE course and be ready to move to the Higher GCSE course. By the end of Phase 3 the Higher GCSE course will be completed, and students will be ready for the Further Maths GCSE or A level courses.   


Longterm Curriculum Plan - Maths - Phase 1

Longterm Curriulum Plan - Maths - Phase 2

Longterm Curriculum Plan - Maths - Phase 3

Longterm Curriculum Plan - Maths - Phase 4


Mathematics underpins other areas of the curriculum, and we aim to teach the mathematical skills needed for pupils to be able to access other subject areas, particularly Science, Geography and Technology.  For example, in Phase 1 we cover graph work early in the year to support Geography and standard form to support Science.    

The units in each phase build on subject knowledge from the previous phase. The starter tasks in each unit systematically revisits prior learning so that there is an element of retrieval practice in every lesson, and throughout each Phase previous topics will be encountered at regular intervals to aid long term memory. The flowchart for each unit shows how the unit builds from initial concepts to problem solving, whilst the topic overview indicates where the unit links with other units and wider subject areas (with key declarative knowledge highlighted).   

It is important to us that the students use their numeracy skills to become financially aware, and so Finance Units have been incorporated into each phase. The content of these units goes beyond the National Curriculum and the GCSE specification. The decisions we have made regarding our phased curriculum structure ensure that it is ambitious enough to prepare the most able students for the next stage, either at GCSE or A level or studying maths-based subjects at university.  It is inclusive to prepare all students for GCSE mathematics as well as providing them with skills in personal finance to support them in everyday life.  


Homework tasks are set on a Wednesday and due in a week later. This allows students to seek help from their class teacher or another member of the department. The tasks are posted on Teams as an assignment and notifies parents through the parent app. In year 10 and 11 students will start to familiarise themselves with GCSE papers and how they will be assessed in the GCSE summer exams.


Week set on 

[set and handed in on Wednesdaya] 

Year 7 


Sparx Maths Homework (online) 

Year 8 


Sparx Maths Homework (online) 

Year 9 


Sparx Maths Homework (online) 

Year 10 

Week 1 

Sparx Maths Homework (online) 


Week 2 

½ Past GCSE Maths paper 

Year 11 

Week 1 

½ Past GCSE Maths paper 


Week 2 

Teacher Choice – Revision Based 



GCSE - Exam Board: OCR 
GCSE - Further Maths: AQA 

GCSE Mathematics revision


A Level

Find out more about A-level Maths, Further Maths and Core Maths