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Wymondham High Academy


Key Stage 3 students receive one piece of homework every half term. Students are expected to work on their homework for at least an hour. On occasions, staff will set an extended piece of homework called a DIRT task (dedicated improvement and refinement task) which provides students with the opportunity to improve their homework based on teacher feedback. This work is then peer assessed in class.

* Key stage 3 homework is designed to be student friendly. All homework tasks have clear instructions, modelled examples and achievable outcomes. Staff provide students with a worksheet which has clear guidance and space for students to undertake their homework on. 

Key Stage 4 students receive between two and three hours’ homework each week (variable depending on the task).

Key Stage 5 students receive between three and four hours’ homework each week (variable depending on the task and matched to the number of lessons they have.)

*Books, equipment, materials and resources recommended for Key Stage 3 students are provided by the Department with good quality A4 sketchbooks for their lessons in Year 7 and 8.

Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students are expected to purchase their A3 and A2 sketchbooks, through the online ParentMail shop. A3 sketchbooks are priced at £4.00 for GCSE; at A Level there are A3 and A2 sketchbook options (white and black paper) from £4.00 to £10.00.

All students are expected to arrive at every lesson with the basic stationery/equipment as stated in the Academy expectations.