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Wymondham High Academy

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

D of E

"It's what I like to describe as a do-it-yourself growing up kit" HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, 2016.

At Wymondham High we offer the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, with your journey starting with the Bronze Award in year 9. We believe that the Duke of Edinburgh Award can make a huge difference to your child’s development and achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence, and an edge over others when you apply for college, university, or a job. Beyond your academic achievements, Universities want to see evidence of so called ‘soft skills’ that you have developed through extra-curricular activities, such as self-discipline, communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork. Your DofE Award is a fantastic way to demonstrate and evidence these skills in practice.

It is a non-academic qualification that compliments academic studies in school and is open to individuals of all abilities. The DofE program runs outside of the school taught curriculum and is entirely voluntary, therefore participants need to be sure that they have adequate spare time and dedication to complete the program alongside their academic studies.

Pupil’s create their individual DofE program based around the volunteering, skills and physical sections and they will be involved in them for the length of time required to complete each section. The expected weekly commitment is for 1 hour per week and participants are required to keep a log of each session they attend.
Each Award will undertake a minimum of one training day, one practice expedition and one assessment expedition, all of which are arranged outside of school time and attendance to these are compulsory in order to complete the Award.

The DofE Awards at Wymondham High Academy are run by James Michie, DofE Manager who has been involved in the DofE Award for 25 years, and assisted by a team of volunteers whose combination of experiences and qualifications are invaluable to making the Award successful at Wymondham High School. The volunteer training and the Award scheme at the school is subsidized by a sponsored walk that is undertaken in November, and ensures that costs to participants are kept to a minimum.

For information on our Duke of Edinburgh provision please contact Mr Michie [email protected] 
