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Wymondham High Academy

Admissions to Year 7 in September 2024

Starting High School is an exciting time in every child’s education. We understand that there will be lots of questions and a few worries along the way and we aim to make the transition as smooth and as happy as possible.

Applying for your place

Online admissions for September 2024 are now closed, but if you wish to make a late application you should contact Norfolk County Council. 

Norfolk County Council - Application to secondary school. 

Key Dates

National Offer Day is March 1st 2024. This is the day you will be notified of your child’s high school place. We will contact you directly later in March to notify you of transition arrangements for this year.

Transition Days will be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd July 2024. All children due to join us in September 2024 are invited to spend these 3 days with us.

Catchment Area

Our catchment area covers Wymondham and surrounding villages, but we are also a popular choice for families living a little further afield. Our catchment villages are: Ashwellthorpe, Barford, Barnham Broom, Black Carr, Deopham, Fundenhall, Forncett End, Hackford, Kimberley, Marlingford, Morley, Runhall, Silfield, Spooner Row, Suton, Tacolneston, Wattlefield, Wicklewood, Wramplingham, Wreningham.
To check your catchment, you can use the link Where I live

Feeder Schools. 

We have good positive relationships with our feeder schools

Ashleigh, Barford, Barnham Broom, Browick Road, Morley, Robert Kett, Spooner Row, Tacolneston, Wicklewood, and Wreningham Primary Schools.

Full Details of our Admissions Policy can be seen in the policies below.

Admissions Policy 2024-25

 Admissions Policy Main School 2025-26

Admissions to other year groups

We are a popular and oversubscribed school, but should you wish to apply for a place please contact Norfolk Schools Admissions who handle all of admissions. They will pass your application to us and inform you of the outcome once a decision has been made.

Moving Schools

Contacts Us

If you have any questions regarding admissions to years 7 to 11 please contact Mrs C Taylor, Assistant Headteacher on [email protected] 


For 6th Form Admissions please see the Sixth Form section of our website or contact Miss A Masson, Director of Sixth Form on [email protected] 

Sixth Form Website

Other Useful Documents: 

Norfolk County Council - Application for transport

School Admissions Code (Gov.uk)

School Admissions Appeals (Gov.uk)